Kolaj Thing

It's a
Kolaj Thing!

Kolaj Thing is a series of creative handcut collage workshop with Fauzi Yusoff.

Inspired from the childhood nostalgic memories, Kolaj Thing aim to spark creativity  and invite everyone to re-discover and learn to create a good composition using various mix media & print materials.

Checkout our recent public workshop series 25.11.2023 @ Hab Hab Hooray! Toppen, Johor Bahru.

Kolaj is an art cultural thing!

Learn basic composition and produce aesthetics artworks with us @ Kolaj Thing workshops.  

What's the story?

Nowadays, people are often rely on computer graphics to create composition. But, can we learn to come out with good composition design by using our own hands?

– Yes, you can!

What is Collage / Kolaj?

A kolaj is a single composition artwork that made up of various materials or various pieces of other media. Kolaj is an art culture. It’s unique and unusual in form, often unrealistic, yet it’s eye-catching.

Why "Kolaj-Thing"?

“Kolaj-Thing” = “Benda-Alah Kolaj”.
It’s all started from a small gathering of people who want to learn basic design composition using computer software.

Somehow, we’ve reverted the learning process. Back to basic. Using your own hands to apply the collage  technique. It’s an arts cultural thing. It’s a Kolaj Thing!

Re-Discover Nostalgic Experience with Us

Gather old newspapers/ magazines/ any printed materials and you’re ready to go.

What you will learn?

During the Kolaj Thing workshop, you’ll learn to remix and reimagine printed pages, exploring a variety of styles and processes.
This creative collaborative workshop will be hands on guided by Fauzi Yusoff & team.


Deconstruct refined advertising into a new form of artworks

During the Kolaj Thing workshop, you will be given assistance in discovering your own artistic direction and reconnecting with your inspiration.

Creative Collaborative

Kolaj Thing session

Featured Artworks

Collection from
Taylor's University

Public Workshop

Series of Kolaj Thing workshop @ creative festivals 

Kolaj Thing @ Hab Hab Hooray, J.B


Kolaj Thing @ Riuh, Penang

4-5.08.2023 JURU AUTOCITY

Universities Tour

Series of Kolaj Thing workshop @ universities & collages

Kolaj Thing @ Taylor's University

Kolaj Thing had been established in Taylor’s University as a part of the major evaluation the subject of Digital Photography & Imaging.

Kolaj Thing @ Sunway University

Under the School of Arts, Kolaj Thing had been introduced for Advertising & Branding students to learn about basic composition.


Kolaj Thing Merchandize

Kolaj Thing – Tote Bag V.1 (Uniqlo) limited edition are now available

Kolaj Thing – Kaset Box. Kolaj tools starter kit [pre-order]